Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Customer Service Anticipation...

I can't wait until this is all settled...

Stéphanie is finally getting her laptop. A Dell Inspiron 1525. Since I'm the one with the computer knowledge and the credit card (don't get any ideas, she's going to pay the laptop), I customized and ordered it for her from Dell Canada's Website.

The problems comes from two major elements: 1) we both have Dell Online accounts; and 2) Website glitch. Basically some of the information taken for the order were taken from my (updated) account (as it should) and some vital information were taken from her account. One of which is the delivery address.

Even if I was sick two nights ago and feeling tired all day yesterday because of it, I still had to spend my evening with Dell's customer service.

I'm not going to bad mouth Dell's customer service since there's nothing to bad-mouth. I'm just getting sick for waiting for a validation and confirmation call or email.

I'll keep y'all updated...