Monday, January 12, 2009

Shake It!

Yes, shake that gaming itch off!... ok, lame but there's a reason for this.

I recently completed [PSP] Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. I decided to also clear a few other games off of my backlog. Currently working on [PSP] Killzone: Liberation. I used to love this game and find it challenging. Now, I don't know why, I feel kind of jaded about it. Without much effort, I cleared two whole chapters and if it wasn't for the downloaded content, I would be one mission away from finishing it. I'm probably going to finish tomorrow.

On another gaming note, I wanted to give more love to my Wii. My brother was in the hospital for a few days, and in one of the conversations, I mentionned that in half of the period I've had my Wii, my PS3 had over twice the games. [Wow, that's a long sentence] I started to feel bad about it. It's sad really, maybe with the newly made-public patent by Nintendo, it will stop feeling like Nintendo is forsaking us (the gamers).

For the past few months, I've been looking all over the city to rent [Wii] Wario Land: Shake It. Almost every single week since late September, I've looked for the darn game. Well, I said "screw it" and bought it. It's now official. In twice the time I've had my Wii compared to my PS3, I now have half the games that my PS3 have.

I may post my impressions on a later post. But, as you may know, don't hold your breath.