Yesterday, our Provincial Health Minister announced a restructuration of the Regional Health Authorities (RHA)—from eight individual RHA's to two working in tandem with two support agencies. Without going into details, it basically means that my career at the ACADIE-BATHURST Health Authority could, or not, come to an end.
I could stay here, I could be asked to move to one of the other agencies, I could have a new tasks, or could downright lose my job. I know that our Provincial Health Minister, Michael Murphy said that he wanted to have minimum impact on the employees (Clinical and Non-Clinical), but there's still going to be some damage.
Regardless, I'm taking every day as usual until we get news on what's going to happen to each individual Non-Clinicl position. This is going to take a few months. This is putting me in an uncomfortable position. Good or bad, I'd feel better if I had news now. Being kept in the dark, not knowing what's going to happen is, as one of my coworkers puts it, "chinese-torture". Even if I learn that I'm losing my job, at least then I can take steps to 1) find a new job or 2) go back to college (unlikely).
But, I'm still take every day as positive as I can. I have to put some things on hold. Such as the Python TD (previously known as Xtreme 101) course. I want to focus on Maya and learn PHP/mySQL on my own time. I was learning it at the office in downtimes, between projects, but I haven't my localhost in months. I want to be proficient with PHP as it could be what I need to 1) keep my job (extra proficiency) or 2) get a job elsewhere. I have two books to help me through PHP/mySQL and 3DBuzz's Web Design bundle.
That's pretty much it. Don't expect MM:TF updates as frequent as they were. My priority is to assure myself a future, regardless if it's here or outside the country. :)
Special Thanks to: James Stevenson, Billy Parmenter, Paul Haile, Cory Rewell, Steven Wann, Jens Charles Jakobsen, Aleksi Rokka, and Brad Fawaz for your incredible support in the last two days (and beyond).